Small Groups

Shelly Fessel
Women's Bible Study
Shelly Fessel will be facilitating a women’s bible study small group at the church every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30pm. This will be a time of fellowship and building community as you dive deeper into the bible.

Derrick & Nikki Parr
Family Time
Derrick and Nikki Parr will be facilitating a small group at their home in Palmyra. They will meet every other week on Tuesdays at 6pm. The focus will be on parent connections and include fellowship, building community, and devotions.

Tim Lloyd
Sermon Dive
Tim Lloyd will be facilitating a child-friendly small group at the church. This group will be meeting every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30pm. This will be a time of fellowship and building community as you go through and dive deeper into the sermon from the previous week.

Chuck Morgan
Man to Man
Chuck Morgan will be facilitating a small group that will meet at his home in Depauw weekly on Mondays at 6pm. This will be a men’s group that will focus on archery and include community, fellowship, and devotions. Please bring your bows, arrows, and bible.

Cory & Ruthann Novak
Cory and Ruthann Novak will be facilitating a small group at their home in Fredericksburg every other Saturday evening at 6pm. Their focus will be “Fireside” and include fellowship, devotion and building community. They will meet on even numbered Saturday dates..

Greg & Lisa Higdon
Digging into "THE" Book!
Greg and Lisa Higdon will be facilitating a small group in the fellowship hall of the church. This group will be meeting every other Thursday from 6:30-8pm. This will be a time of fun and building community as you go through and dive deeper into different books of the bible and share a meal.

Ben & Aly Lawson
In This Together
Ben and Aly Lawson will be hosting a small group every other Sunday evening at 5pm in the fellowship hall of our Family Life Center starting on Sept. 8. Our small group
mission is based on prevention, recovery, and restoration for those in addiction. As well as loved ones affected by addiction. We encourage you to join our group, as we will focus on walking in humility to true freedom. We will be real, raw, and honest with God and each other. Our goal is to find our purpose in His kingdom through healing. Let’s break the chains of pride, guild, and shame together through fellowship. We strive to
bring you comfort through God’s word, open arms, and help lead you to a life of surrender.

Garth & Lindsey Kimmel
Family and Fellowship
Garth and Lindsey Kimmel will be facilitating a child-friendly small group in their home in New Salisbury. This group will be meeting every other Friday from 6:30-8pm. This will be a time of fellowship and building community as you go through and dive deeper into the sermon from the previous week.

Johnny Anderson
Bible Study
Johnny Anderson will be facilitating a small group bible study that will meet at the church weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm.
This will be a time of fellowship and building community as you go through the bible.

Even Sunday
Rob & Lori Dunn
Rob and Lori Dunn will be facilitating a small group called “Even Sunday” at their home in Depauw every other Sunday evening at 5:30pm. They will be sharing a meal, playing cornhole, fishing and discussing sermons from the previous two weeks. They will meet on even number dates on Sundays.